ruby devkit

This package was approved by moderator gep13 on 11/21/2014. Ruby Development Kit (DevKit) is a toolkit that makes it easy to build and use native C/C++ extensions such as RDiscount and RedCloth for Ruby on Windows. This does not take a dependency on Ruby.

相關軟體 Ruby 下載

Ruby是一種為了物件導向而創的簡單快捷的腳本語。它擁有簡單易懂,方便好學的特性,能減少程式設計時候的不必要的瑣碎時間。Ruby語言通常非常直觀,會按照設計者希望的運行方式來執行。 擁有簡單易懂,方便好學的特性。 ...

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  • This package was approved by moderator gep13 on 11/21/2014. Ruby Development Kit (DevKit) ...
    Chocolatey Gallery | Ruby DevKit (2.0+)
  • This package was submitted prior to moderation and has not been approved. While it is like...
    Chocolatey Gallery | Ruby DevKit 4.5.2
  • The DevKit is a toolkit that makes it easy to build and use native C/C++ extensions such a...
    Development Kit · oneclickrubyinstaller Wiki · GitHub
  • The RubyInstaller Development Kit (DevKit) is a MSYS/MinGW based toolkit than enables you ...
    DevKit - Bintray
  • DevKit Ruby gems can roughly be divided into two types. Gems that during installation do n...
    Devkit - Ruby on Windows Guides
  • Stating with RubyInstaller-2.4 we're no longer using our own DevKit compilation, but m...
    Devkit - RubyInstaller
  • Dedicated DevKit (only Ruby < 2.4) The RubyInstaller Development Kit is a toolkit that ...
    Devkit - RubyInstaller for Windows
  • If you don't know what version to install and you're getting started with Ruby, we...
    Downloads - RubyInstaller
  • Which version to download? If you don’t know what version to install and you’re getting st...
    Downloads - RubyInstaller for Windows
  • Ruby is the programming language that Jekyll is written in. You'll need to install Rub...
    Install Ruby and the Ruby DevKit · Run Jekyll on Windows
  • 1 Install Ruby and the Ruby DevKit Ruby is the programming language that Jekyll is written...
    Install Ruby and the Ruby DevKit · Run Jekyll on Windows ...
  • The DevKit is a toolkit that makes it easy to build and use native C/C++ extensions such a...
    install Ruby DevKit - YouTube
  • Run dk.rb init and dk.rb review again to verify. Verify your DevKit installation with gem ...
    Install RubyDevKit + Jekyll on Windows · GitHub
  • 2011年8月16日 - Download the 64-bit version of DevKit-...-sfx.exe for your version of Ruby f...
    Installing Windows Ruby DevKit · vassilvkslacker Wiki · GitHub
  • Install the Ruby Development Kit. The DevKit includes compilers for C and C++, which are n...
    Ruby DevKit - Lynda: Online Courses, Classes, Training, ...
  • 超简单的办法 如果你是ruby刚入门,推荐这个方法。 如果你想折腾就这样 如果通过上面方法安装DevKit成功率会比较高,下面...
    windows下安装DevKit | Ruby迷
  • 2013年12月6日 - 除了一直按Next 之外,記得安裝途中把Add Ruby executables to your ... 這時DevKit 應該會增加或更新兩個Ruby...
    [Ruby] 在Windows 7上安裝Ruby on Rails « Lee's Blog